Saturday, July 4, 2009

60-60 Experiment

It was started by John Burke, at Gateway Church, in Austin, TX. The goal is to experience how wonderful life is when we stay in connection with God.

In Matthew 22:36-40 (NLT) Jesus is asked what the most important commandment is under the law of Moses. Jesus tells them: " 'You must love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' The entire law and all the prophets are based on these two commandments."

"The point," John Burke posits, "of life is relationship. Loving God and loving people is what God created us for; everything else in scripture is commentary on what that means."

So for 60 days, every 60 minutes we will attempt to stay connected to God. We have become so ingrained in life, that we forget to stay connected with God. To interrupt us and remind us to connect with God, buy a watch or set an alarm you can carry with you, that goes off every 60 minutes. For me, I set my iPhone to go off once an hour. Or, you could set a wrist watch to chime every hour.

During that time, pray to God, thank Him for His radical love, thank Him for his character, His promises. Write down a few key scriptures to keep with you and read during those times.

I've got a blog: I'll post new challenges as time goes on - so subscribe or check back frequently and leave comments; so we can encourage each other in this and learn from each other.... Read More

Sound good? Want to join me in this experiment? Let me know.

Sunday, April 12, 2009, it's been awhile...

I know...I know...I don't call. I don't write. Whatev (as the kids say).

So, I am more than a little frustrated with the Mac at work. I am having to clean everything off of it and install from scratch. Fun!

However, I am going to go over to a friend's house for Easter lunch, so that should be fun!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am at Catalyst this week in Atlanta, Georgia. I am getting ready to walk out the door of my hotel room but wanted to let you know, I'll posting updates of what I am learning about on here...I hope. We'll see if I have internet access at the Gwinnett Center.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Coincidence? I think not.

So, I just completed a phone conversation with my parents. They were telling me how Tony Campolo came to their home-town and spoke this morning and this afternoon.

Upon hearing of this and what a fabulous speaker he was, I asked, "What did he speak about when you went to see him?"

They replied, "He spoke about putting God first and making sure your priorities are straight. He recommended that you pray and read and think about God first thing in the morning. And, he also suggested at the end of the day, accounting for the day, taking into account how you saw God at work in the day."

There are a few things about this that I cannot think are coincidental, but God speaking into my life:

1. This entire week has been filled with messages, everywhere I turn about putting God first in my life and making that my number one priority and setting appropriate boundaries.

2. The process of accounting for your day at the end of it and recounting your sins, and making amends to anybody whom your hurt/offended during the day, that I learned during a twelve step program I went through several years back.

You know, when speaks to me like that - I cannot help but listen.

Pray for me that I may continue to do these things.

Oh also, my parents also mentioned he talked his son's ministry in Cincinnati, where they have started this ministry where the church goes out into the community and just ministers to the people of the community, asking them if there is anything for which the church can pray with them about. It is this sort of fundamental change in church that gets me excited. It reminded me that I need to get my butt in gear about seminary. So, I completed my applications tonight. I am sending for my transcripts Monday and asking people this week to write letters of recommendation.

So, also, be in prayer about that.

It is 9:45, I am off to bed.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

First Entry

I just read this article in Rev! magazine that I really want to blog about. However, seeing as it is late now - I'll post later this morning. I started to post this on my other blog - but realized I wanted to do this on here instead. Check out my other blog in the mean time.